Adwords: Defining and Measuring Goals

One fundamental step when you start thinking about optimising your adwords account is to define clearly what your goals of the campaign are. Broadly speaking you can have three goals in a campaign: to get more clicks and to achieve a conversion. There are, on the other hand, two types of conversions: a subscription or a sale. But this is just the first step, there is also the need to clearly identify when a conversion occurs. This article will address these two steps

First Stage: Define what your goal is

Broadly speaking there are three main goals in an adwords campaign. It will depend what you are trying to sell. Most of the times, if you are an e-commerce you will have the goal of achieving more traffic and to sell more products. If you are a lead generation business or a e-learning platform, you will most of the times be concerned in achieving an e-mail address and convert your client via an e-mail marketing strategy.

More clicks. The first goal can be just to achieve more clicks for a particular campaign. This is important because one of the main goals of any adwords campaign is to spread the market share of a particular company. Your goal should therefore be to as soon as possible expand the list of your keywords and once this is done get more clicks to those particular landing pages.

Conversion: Subscriber. You can, however, achieve more clicks having the ultimate goal of achieving a new subscriber. This is normally the case when you run a lead generation or some form of e-learning business. Most of the times these businesses requires the subscription to a particular online form where you will provide some information about you. Once this is done the information will be sent to you via e-mail.

This could be an important goal of any online campaign although to track the performance of this campaign you will need to get hold of who actually bought either through the manual analysis of buyers or through the analysis of online sales.

Conversion: Sale. The second type of conversion that can be set as a goal is the sale. This is the most common type of conversion for e-commerce websites. In these projects, most of the times, the main goal is to achieve the sale of a particular product.

Second stage: Create a Thank You page

Once you define what the goal is the second stage is to create a thank you page in your website where traffic will be sent when it achieves a particular goal. This is helpful because it will support your efforts to clearly identify what counts as a conversion.
