Category: Paid Traffic

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3 Types of Facebook Ad Projects

One of the main problems for any facebook ad marketer is to move beyond the noise and be clear about what they are doing – especially if you are selling facebook ad services. We already discussed types of facebook ads funnels, now it is time to describe facebook …

How to Optimise your Facebook Ad Campaigns

How to optimise facebook ad campaigns? The basic goal for any facebook ad campaign is to find buyer audiences that can be scaled. What we are looking is for highly efficient audiences. And see whether these audiences are really converting. Winning audiences will be subjected to scaling. But …

3 Types of Facebook Ads Funnel

There are three types of facebook ads funnel. To these types of facebook ads funnel correspond different types of goals as well. From warming up audiences to consolidating sales, Facebook allows users to grow their sales via a wisely constructed sales funnel. This article will address different types …

Google Adwords: Relevant Questions to Ask

Whenever you are starting a new adwords account, you need to ask yourself or your client a number of important questions that will guide you throughout this process. Here goes the full list you need to be aware of. Objectives of the client (leads, form submission, sales) What’s …