Category: Machines
I just got this message today in my inbox and I am really keen to share it. It was from a good friend of mine who is seeking advice on how to start his startup company. He always had this real entrepreneurial spirit and he is really into …
Digital marketing has transformed the way we promote and leverage income in businesses. It used to be the case that we either had a phone and we would call people to book appointments. Or we would rent a shop and wait for customers to come to us through …
Seth Godin, one of the most important digital marketing gurus and academics, once said that “people do not buy goods & services. They buy relations, stories & magic”. Well if you are really into academic research – and you need to prove your point against a bunch of …
Ryan Deiss is one of the most brilliant minds in Digital Marketing. Deiss and Frank Kern were the mentors I turn to after my extensive analysis of Dave Chaffey’s research on internet marketing. As I described here, reading the books and research by Chaffey from a certain stage …
One of the foundational problems in any digital marketing project is to understand and define the products you have and try to better structure what you offer. This is important because you may be losing money if you do not fully understand what is your offer and associated …
One of the first things we need to do is to clarify what our products and offers are. This is one of the main foundations of digital marketing and without it we go a bit blind. Clearly understanding what our products are is fundamental not only to identify …
One of the most important contributions to sales and marketing was a simple piece written by David Frey some years ago. I have no idea who he was or when he wrote it. And I also do not remember who recommended it to me – probably someone when …
Hubspot has made a name for itself by selling what it calls an “inbound marketing” strategy. This is not the place to clearly evaluate this strategy but it is the place to evaluate one of the core components of this strategy – what they called the “buyer’s journey”. …
Continuing our journey through Kern’s “Mass Control” course it does seem to me that Kern strikes big when he discusses what he calls “Money Magnets”. The most important contribution of this course – insofar as it is developed by someone who actually makes money online and not by …
“Mass Control” is one of the most important courses in digital marketing. In it Frank Kern develops strong arguments and strategies on how to sell stuff online. The course is ridiculously long and most of the times highly confusing. And to be honest it seems to me that …