9 Simple Steps to Create a Video Sales Letter

Video Sales Letters are powerful instruments that can help financial planners introduce their products to potential clients. They have been around for long and you must have most likely come across a bunch of them already – you only need to have a TV and watch adverts.

They are a key component of my digital marketing strategy and I used them to help acquire new leads for my clients. I will like to go through how you can structure your video sales letter in this blog post.

Get Their Attention. The first thing you need to do when starting your VSL is to get your potential client’s attention. Think about a headline that will introduce your service and tackle some of your client’s concerns. If you start by providing an overview of what you are going to do in your video and what you will accomplish, this will entice the listener to continue following your argument.

Identify the Problem. If you have done your analysis of your potential customer, you should know already what their main problems are. What their concerns are. The first part of your video sales letter should therefore address these concerns in broad terms.

Agitate the Problem. The second part should go in more detail and dissect even more why your customer avatar may have those problems. You need to provide more details and go deeper into the reasons why these problems and concerns exist. If, following from these, you tackle their fears and worst-case scenarios even better.

Basically, you need to agitate the problems in their heads and focus on them for a while.

Identify the Solution. For each problem you may find a solution. In this third stage you will be the problem-solver. You need to answer the question: how can my product or service help solve these particular problems?

Introduce the Product. In the fourth stage of your video sales letter you will introduce your product.

Product Features and Benefits. And of course after you introduce it you need to go into the main features and benefits. You want to specify how your product will be a problem-solver in greater detail.

Call to Action. This is the first call to action you will introduce in your video. A “soft pitch” because you further need to solidify the claims you are making on the previous step.

Results and Social Proof. If you have results and if you have previous clients that can give a good testimonial about your products or services, then you need to introduce them here. This will give personal and social credibility to what you are selling. And this is a strong indicator to your potential client that not only have you achieved great results, but there are other people that recommend you.

Call to Action. Final call to action goes here. Tell your potential client that you if he wants to take advantage of what you are selling, he/she needs to buy or book an appointment.

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